Shalom Tov! Do you do a traditional Hebrew service or do you go more on the lines of the christian church? I’m a Messianic Jew. So I was just wondering how your service is geared. I’m not into the Rabbinical drek or Orthodox trappings. I believe Yeshua is Adonai and He is Yah’s son. My Kids live in The area and I’m wanting them to get into a fellowship that teaches what we believe. Toda and Shalom. Mikhah
Shalom! In our weekly Sabbath gatherings, we spend time in worship/praise in song, we enjoy a carry-in covenant meal (clean, according to Torah), we read and discuss portions from the Torah, prophets and writings. This assembly left the traditionalisms of non/extra scriptural practices (in both Christianity and Hebrew Roots) in 2007. All along this journey YHWH has been very kind and patient with us as we leave Babylon… Our current understanding is that Yah’s Son’s Name is Yahshua, but we are not dogmatic about spellings nor pronunciations. We trust HIM to help us sort that out as we follow HIS Instruction and Direction… Hope that helps! Blessings in Truth! rh
Do you know of any other similar group(s) in the Indy area? My wife and I have been keeping the Sabbath and Holy Days over 50 years. We study the whole Bible and keep getting grief because we do not accept statements of belief over the Bible. We have a background in Worldwide COG and those that broke away from it.
Hey Steve,
Sorry to say, I do not. A quick search revealed several Messianic Jewish groups in and around Indy, but I am not aware of any others… Praying YAH’S guidance and blessings upon you! ron
Hi Ron.
My name is Chris.
Similar as yourself, I’m a Messianic follower of Yehshua who came out of a Calvary Chapel congregation.
I’d love to talk and fellowship with you, and hopefully visit your congregation one of these days. I’m a truck driver, so visiting you on a Wednesday evening would be the simplest possibility, although your location doesn’t look very truck friendly. Could I call you? Figuring out the details would be much easier on the phone.
Hi Chris,
Sorry for the tardy reply. We’re having some issues with out site not forwarding contacts to me. Sure! Would enjoy talking with you. How can we connect? Please advise. Ron
Sorry Tonya, we do not have a YT channel. Our teaching articles are posted on the site, as is the music that YHWH has blessed us with. May you be blessed as well! In Yahshua! rh
Shalom Tov! Do you do a traditional Hebrew service or do you go more on the lines of the christian church? I’m a Messianic Jew. So I was just wondering how your service is geared. I’m not into the Rabbinical drek or Orthodox trappings. I believe Yeshua is Adonai and He is Yah’s son. My Kids live in The area and I’m wanting them to get into a fellowship that teaches what we believe. Toda and Shalom. Mikhah
Shalom! In our weekly Sabbath gatherings, we spend time in worship/praise in song, we enjoy a carry-in covenant meal (clean, according to Torah), we read and discuss portions from the Torah, prophets and writings. This assembly left the traditionalisms of non/extra scriptural practices (in both Christianity and Hebrew Roots) in 2007. All along this journey YHWH has been very kind and patient with us as we leave Babylon… Our current understanding is that Yah’s Son’s Name is Yahshua, but we are not dogmatic about spellings nor pronunciations. We trust HIM to help us sort that out as we follow HIS Instruction and Direction… Hope that helps! Blessings in Truth! rh
Do you know of any other similar group(s) in the Indy area? My wife and I have been keeping the Sabbath and Holy Days over 50 years. We study the whole Bible and keep getting grief because we do not accept statements of belief over the Bible. We have a background in Worldwide COG and those that broke away from it.
Hey Steve,
Sorry to say, I do not. A quick search revealed several Messianic Jewish groups in and around Indy, but I am not aware of any others… Praying YAH’S guidance and blessings upon you! ron
Hi Ron.
My name is Chris.
Similar as yourself, I’m a Messianic follower of Yehshua who came out of a Calvary Chapel congregation.
I’d love to talk and fellowship with you, and hopefully visit your congregation one of these days. I’m a truck driver, so visiting you on a Wednesday evening would be the simplest possibility, although your location doesn’t look very truck friendly. Could I call you? Figuring out the details would be much easier on the phone.
~ Chris
Hi Chris,
Sorry for the tardy reply. We’re having some issues with out site not forwarding contacts to me. Sure! Would enjoy talking with you. How can we connect? Please advise. Ron
Do you have a YT channel? I am about 500 miles from there but would love to join in with your worship.
Sorry Tonya, we do not have a YT channel. Our teaching articles are posted on the site, as is the music that YHWH has blessed us with. May you be blessed as well! In Yahshua! rh